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Paint the Pavement

Involvement by neighborhood traffic committees in traffic calming efforts are on the increase, with generally positive results. However, often times poor neighborhoods lack traffic calming infrastructure. To overcome the affordability obstacle, this research specifically includes community engagement, to accompany empirical research testing Paint the Pavement projects, which are believed to have an effect in traffic safety. Yet, no research has been conducted on the matter. To expand our understanding of what potentially could be a low-cost safety measure, we are proposing to implement Paint the Pavement projects in Salt Lake City (Utah). The objectives of the project are to: 1) Engage community organizations to identify pedestrian safety hot spots, engage the neighborhood in designing a Paint the Pavement project and garner support for implementation; 2) Measure before-and-after outcomes of at least two Paint the Pavement projects; and, 3) Understand community response to and engagement with these specific community-engaged affordable measures. In addition to gathering data on the effect that Paint the Pavement has on traffic, this research project expects to build community-based social capital in the communities where is implemented. Increased capacity in neighborhoods is a step towards raising the quality of life with the potential for broad, long lasting benefits.

In The News

Morton, S. “Two Versions of Traffic Calming Installed on the West Side.” West View Media, July 27, 2017.

Handley, L. “Art Project Aims to Improve Safety at Intersection in Rose Park.” May 6, 2017.

KUTV. “‘Paint the Pavement’ Project Works to Keep Pedestrians Safe in SLC Neighborhood.” KUTV. May 6, 2017.

García, I.  Street Murals in Utah. Congress of New Urbanism, Utah Chapter 9/15/17.

García, I.  “First Street Mural in Utah.” Utah Planner. 44 (6). Aug.-Sept. 2017.

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